Learn the social dancing techniques of Cali
Enjoy unrivaled access to classes delivered by the professional dance instructors of Salsa Caleña Online, plus exclusive content updates and live masterclasses.
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Salsa Caleña accross all platforms
Our web application is accessible on any modern web browser.
Compatible with Airplay and Chromecast.

Frequently Asking Questions
What is included in a membership?
Membership includes access to an incredible catalog of videos and live events.
I forgot my password, what can I do?
If you have forgotten your password, please click on “Sign In” from the top menu. You will be taken to the Sign In page. Click “Forgot Password,” enter your email address when prompted, and click “Send Instructions.” You will then be sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
Make sure it wasn't accidentally sorted into the spam folder in your inbox. The email address you are sending the instructions to must be the same one you are using on your account.
If you still need help getting back in, please write to ayuda@salsacalena.online
and we will happily assist you.
My video doesn't playback smoothly. How can I fix this?
We recommend using modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari on your computer. On Mobile devices, we'd suggest using Google Chrome.
If you experience any video playback issues, please ensure that your web browser is up-to-date and that your internet connection is at least 15 Mbps - as per fast.com
If your internet downloading speed is over 15 Mbps and your web browser is up-to-date, please write to ayuda@salsacalena.online, and we will be happy to investigate.
I want to join Salsa Caleña Online, when do lessons start?
You can join anytime! We optimized our platform for VOD (Video-on-demand), which means you can learn at your own pace. We also host live events.
We understand the implications of learning social dancing from home, and we have a dedicated academic team to provide the best content from an educational point-of-view.
Which payment methods do you accept?
As of now, we can only accept Credit Card and PayPal. We are working to integrate more payment providers and increase the choice of payment providers.
What is the minimum level required to follow the lessons?
All the content of Salsa Caleña Online is aimed at non-professionals or experts. Its purpose consists of teaching the main steps and spins of social dance in the style of Cali (Colombia).
How do I cancel my membership?
If you decide to move on without us, we will be sad to see you go. But no hard feelings! You can cancel your subscription at any time from your Dashboard. Navigate to ‘Billing,’ and you will see the options to manage your subscription. Please note that we do not offer refunds for partially unused membership periods.